The Hunt of a Lifetime

Someone who follows my website recently asked, “You haven’t written anything since March. Did you give up writing?” NO! It’s just that I’m a very poor promoter of my book, which came out in August! Here’s the description of the book…
“This book is unapologetically aimed at hunting, fishing, and outdoor adventure, but the principles I suggest apply to any adventure. In this book, I will illustrate the fundamentals required to successfully plan, execute, and enjoy adventures. Then I try to inspire people to go on their own adventures by telling the story of a few of my own from the Rockies to Alaska to Africa. At the end of each of those adventures, I give away the recipe for how to do it yourself. Those recipes include the ingredients, the itemized costs, and the directions for how cook up your own adventure. Most adults struggle to admit when they, “don’t know…” I believe “not knowing” is an obstacle. So, while they may dream about an Alaskan drop camp hunt or float fishing adventure, they simply hike the local forest, hunt their own farm, or fish the local lake. I endeavor to help breach that obstacle with knowledge and experience. If you dream of bigger adventures this book is a place to start. Life is always too short, get out there and chase your dreams.”
You can get your own copy at this link: “The Hunt of a Life Time” on Amazon